
Chattahoochee Riverfront Access Plan

The City awarded a contract to Heath and Lineback Engineers to conduct a feasibility study for trails and access along the Chattahoochee River, including the identification of possible locations and methods to create access to the Chattahoochee River in topographically challenging areas, and how to connect these areas to the City’s Trail Master Plan.

The technical analysis consisted of mapping existing conditions in light of the regulatory, environmental, cultural and economic aspects. Three sites were identified as opportunities to bring the public closer to the river: The Morgan Falls area, the northern end of Roswell Road and the Crooked Creek area. The concept master plan will propose a long-term vision for each of the sites.

Riverfront Vision Plan

Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies
Recreational Program

Sandy Spring Crafting Buddies

Wednesday, February 5
Join the Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies for an evening of social crafting. Bring your current work in progress, or materials to start a new project and come hang with us! Visit the City's website for more information.
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