
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City of Sandy Springs uses its annual allocation of federal funds to support initiatives that are eligible for CDBG assistance. The Community Development department is responsible for the administration of this program.

Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, and CAPERs are now available on the HUD Exchange

Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, and CAPERs are now available on the HUD Exchange. The Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, and CAPERS page provides one place where the approved related documents can be found, making information more accessible to HUD’s customers and partners to support planning and coordination of HUD programs. Plans can be found by grantee, year, and plan type.

2023-2027 Consolidated and Action Plan 

The Consolidated Plan is a 5-year plan which describes the City's community development priorities and multiyear goals based on an assessment of housing and community development needs, an analysis of housing and economic market conditions, and available resources. The Consolidated Plan is carried out through action plans, which are adopted annually. Each Annual Action Plan provides a concise summary of the actions, activities, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the Consolidated Plan.

2023-2027 Consolidated Plan

2024 Annual Action Plan Draft

2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)

The Consolidated Plan is carried out through Annual Actions Plans, which provide concise summary of the actions, activities, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the Consolidated Plan.

2023 CAPER

2020 Amendment to the Citizen Participation Plan 

The City amended the Citizen Participation Plan to allow for a more timely response during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have comments regarding the amendments, please email cdbgprogram@sandyspringsga.gov

2020 Citizen Participation Plan Amendment


Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program Application

Sandy Springs has prepared a Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) seeking a loan advance on future Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocations potentially totaling $2,900,000.  To meet the requirements of the City’s Citizen Participation Plan, the City will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, at 6:00p.m. Funding will be used for a multi-year sidewalk design and construction program as described in the adopted Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan

As required by 24 CFR Part 91. 105 (b) (2), the draft the Section 108 application will be available for a 30-day public comment period beginning June 9, 2017 through July 10, 2017. The draft will be available at www.sandyspringsga.gov and can be accessed by selecting CDBG under Urban Development – Planning and Zoning on the City’s webpage.  Hard copies of the document can also be reviewed from June 9, 2017 through July 10, 2017 and can be found at Sandy Springs City Hall, located at the Morgan Falls Office Park, 7840 Roswell Rd., Bldg. 500; the Sandy Springs Regional Library at 395 Mt. Vernon Hwy.; and at the Benson Senior Center at 6500 Vernon Woods Drive.

Those who may wish to provide comments on the Section 108 loan application may email the CDBG Program mailbox at cdbgprogram@sandyspringsga.gov or send written correspondence to the Sandy Springs Community Development Department at the address above until July 10, 2017.

Final adoption of the Section 108 application is scheduled for the July 18, 2017 Mayor and City Council public hearing.  All meetings start at 6:00 p.m., are open to the public and held at the Sandy Springs City Hall, 7840 Roswell Road, Building 500, Sandy Springs, GA, 30350. Citizens in need of translation services or materials in alternative formats should call 770-730-5600 seven calendar days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 108

Préstamo Sección 108

 Sandy Springs ha preparado una solicitud del Programa de Garantía de Préstamos de la Sección 108 para el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD) en busca de un préstamo para futuras asignaciones de Subsidio de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG) potencialmente por un total de $ 2,900,000. Para cumplir con los requisitos del Plan de Participación Ciudadana de la Ciudad, la Ciudad realizará una audiencia pública el martes, 6 de junio del 2017, a las 6:00 p.m en la reunión del Alcalde y Concejo Municipal. La financiación se utilizará para un programa de construcción de aceras plurianuales, tal como se describe en el Plan Consolidado y Plan de Acción Anual adoptado.

Como se requiere en el 24 CFR Parte 91. 105 (b) (2), el borrador de la aplicación de la Sección 108 estará disponible para un período de comentarios públicos de 30 días comenzando el 9 de junio del 2017 hasta el 10 de julio del 2017. El borrador estará disponible en www.sandyspringsga.gov y se puede acceder seleccionando City Services- Urban Development - Planning and Zoning- CDBG. Copias impresas del documento también se pueden encontrar en el Ayuntamiento de Sandy Springs, ubicada en  Morgan Falls Office Park, 7840 Roswell Rd., Bldg. 500; La Biblioteca Regional de Sandy Springs en 395 Mt. Vernon Hwy .; Y en el Centro Mayor de Benson en 6500 Vernon Woods Drive.

 Aquellos que deseen presentar comentarios sobre la solicitud de préstamo de la Sección 108 pueden enviar por correo electrónico al buzón del CDBG Program a cdbgprogram@sandyspringsga.gov o enviar correspondencia por escrito al Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario de Sandy Springs en la dirección indicada abajo hasta el 10 de julio del 2017.

La adopción final de la solicitud de la Sección 108 está programada para la audiencia pública del 18 de julio del 2017 en la reunión del Concejo Municipal. Todas las reuniones comienzan a las 6:00 pm, están abiertas al público y se celebran en el Ayuntamiento de Sandy Springs, 7840 Roswell Road, Edificio 500, Sandy Springs, GA, 30350. Los ciudadanos que necesitan servicios de traducción o materiales en formatos alternativos deben llamar al 770-730-5600 siete días antes de la reunión programada.

Section 108

Program History

Created by the Nixon Administration in 1974, the Community Development Block Grant Program or CDBG, has been a cornerstone of urban redevelopment for over 35 years.

CDBG was specifically created to meet three National Objectives that were included in the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Those National Objectives for CDBG require that the program:

  • Benefit residents of distressed neighborhoods who are primarily low- and moderate-income;
  • Eliminate slums and blight; or
  • Meet an urgent community need where other assistance may not be readily available.

At least one National Objective must be met in order to use CDBG funds for projects or programs.

Consolidated Planning for CDBG

The CDBG Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through partnerships with city, county and state governments. Cities and counties with populations over 50,000 participate as Entitlement Communities; states administer the Small Cities CDBG Program and make CDBG funds available on a competitive basis to cities with populations less than 50,000. One of HUD’s requirements for participating in the CDBG Program is that each local or state government develops a plan that describes housing, homeless, community development and other special needs in the community. Sandy Springs completed its first 5-year Consolidated Plan (2008-12) on June 17, 2008. In addition to adopting a 5-year plan, an Action Plan must also be completed that describes how each year’s CDBG funds will be used to meet the goals described in the Consolidated Plan. Sandy Springs’ Consolidated Plan and Action Plans are available for review by clicking the “Reports and Publications” bar at the top of the page.

Sandy Springs CDBG Target Areas

In 2022, following the CDBG regulations, staff analyzed 2021 Census Block Group data and identified eleven Block Groups that met the Area Benefit criteria for CDBG infrastructure projects (24 CFR Part 570.208(a)(1)). In short, Area Benefit criteria require that an infrastructure project funded with CDBG meet the low- and moderate-income (LMI) national objective (there are 3 CDBG national objectives) by documenting that at least 51 percent LMI persons live in a defined area, like a Census Block Group, where an infrastructure project will be completed. Sandy Springs was also identified early in the CDBG qualification process as being an Exception Community, which means that for Area Benefit projects, Sandy Springs must meet a 41.7 percent LMI threshold instead of the required 51 percent. 

M12 CDBG Infrastructure Project Update

As described in the 2023 Consolidated and Action Plan, Sandy Springs will be adopting a targeted, multi-year sidewalk improvements project for its CDBG Program. In 2022, a general area was identified for potential sidewalk improvements entered on Roswell and Hope Road.

However, in order to undertake a sidewalk construction project in this area, it was necessary to first identify existing conditions, such as utilities, driveways, curb ramps and other structures so that concept and construction plans could be developed. The Mayor and City Council approved the surveying of an area  future sidewalk network improvements. The area identified for surveying in the CDBG Target Areas covers Roswell and Hope Road.

What are the Sandy Springs CDBG Sidewalk Project’s Benefits?

Sandy Springs’ Mayor and City Council adopted the City’s first 5-year Consolidated Plan for the CDBG Program on June 17, 2008. The plan directs the funds received through the CDBG Program for the next 5 years to a multi-year sidewalk improvements program. In the survey area along Roswell Road shown on the maps above, residents will soon see existing sidewalks modified to meet ADA standards, which at a minimum will mean new curb ramps with detectable surfaces in certain areas making it easier for the elderly, disabled, visually impaired and those pushing strollers to use the sidewalk. In some areas, residents will also see new sidewalk installed where none currently exists to complete the sidewalk network. This new sidewalk may include curbs, gutters, drainage structures and retaining walls. Brick paving accents and pedestrian lighting will be included as part of the project in certain areas as well to improve the safety and appearance of the network. Completion of Phase II will continue the sidewalk and intersection improvements that are currently underway or already completed along Roswell Road and then work will begin on Hope Road.

When the Roswell Road Multi-Year Sidewalk Project and the Hope Road Sidewalk Project are complete, Sandy Springs residents can more easily and safely walk from their neighborhoods to shopping, MARTA, Morgan Falls Park, North Springs High School, Ison Elementary School and other destinations along Roswell Road. Having the option to walk can reduce traffic, improve air quality and lead to better health through exercise.

Annual Reports

HUD also requires that cities and counties participating in the CDBG Program publish an annual report, called the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). For Sandy Springs, the report is due the last day of September each year as the City’s Consolidated Plan program year ends the last day of June. Sandy Springs follows a July 1-June 30 fiscal year. Each year’s completed CAPER will be posted on this website.

Additional Information

Residents of Sandy Springs who may wish to comment on any of the CDBG planning documents, the CAPER or may have other questions about the City’s participation in the CDBG Program may send email to cdbgprogram@sandyspringsga.gov or call (770) 730-5600.