
Crossroads Small Area Plan

Crossroads Small Area Plan

Review the Final Approved Crossroads Small Area Plan

You may send comments to masterplan@sandyspringsga.gov


The City of Sandy Springs is developing a plan for the “Crossroads” area, which includes the area east and west of Roswell Road from I-285 to the southern end of The Prado shopping center.  The goal of the plan is to address the current and future needs of the community while envisioning how the area could evolve in the next 10-15 years.

The plan will look at:

  • Land uses
  • Housing options
  • Transportation (travel by walking, bicycling, public transportation, and automobile)
  • Parks and open space


In 2017, the City adopted the Next Ten Comprehensive Plan, a separate more detailed and site-specific plan was conducted for the Roswell Road Corridor. The Crossroads area was one of the areas studied. As part of the 2022 Next Ten 5-year Update, the community asked for revisions to the study.

The Next Ten Comprehensive Plan is the official statement of the City’s vision for its future. It expresses the Sandy Springs community’s aspirations and goals, while articulating a corresponding set of policies and recommendations to guide future decisions regarding land use, development, and capital improvements.

Video Introductions: 

August 30, 2023 Public Open House. The City hosted a public open house to present the draft recommendations for the Crossroads Small Area Plan. Click here to view the draft urban design concept presentation. 

You can also submit your questions to masterplan@sandyspringsga.gov

April 25, 2023 Public Open House. The City hosted a public open house on Tuesday, April 25. Click here to view the public meeting displays. 


The Next 10 Five-Year Update


Map of the Crossroads Study Area:

Crossroads Area Boundaries


Spanish Crossroads Vision and Conceptual Plan Map
Spanish Crossroads Vision and Conceptual Plan Map

Click here to view the Spanish Crossroads Vision and Conceptual Plan Map

Photos of marked up display boards:
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 3
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 4
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 5
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 6
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 7
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 8
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 9
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 10
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 11
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 12
Crossroads Small Area Plan Exhibit 13

Vienna Boys Choir: Christmas in Vienna
City Springs Event

Vienna Boys Choir: Christmas in Vienna

Thursday, December 19
The illustrious group of child musicians has delighted music lovers worldwide for six centuries with their purity of tone, distinctive charm and popular repertoire. Christmas in Vienna showcases their voices in Austrian folk songs, classical masterpieces and holiday favorites.
View Event