
Featured Projects

Featured Transportation Projects

TS191: Johnson Ferry Road/Mt Vernon Highway

The proposed project aims to enhance vehicular and pedestrian mobility while reducing congestion by addressing the bottleneck conditions affecting east-west traffic on Johnson Ferry Road and Mount Vernon Highway, as well as north-south traffic on Roswell Road. Additionally, the installation of continuous sidewalks on both sides of Johnson Ferry Road and Mount Vernon Highway will improve pedestrian mobility. Restoring Johnson Ferry Road and Mount Vernon Highway to two-way operation just east of Roswell Road will further eliminate the need for east-west traffic to rely on Roswell Road.

TS192: Mt Vernon Highway Corridor

The Mount Vernon Highway Corridor Improvements will improve vehicular and pedestrian safety from the Sandy Springs Library to the Sandy Springs MARTA Station. A multi-use path will be constructed on the south shoulder of Mount Vernon Hwy, and six-foot-wide sidewalks will be constructed on the north.  New turn lanes will be added to the following intersections: Glenridge Drive, Barfield Road, Crestline Parkway, Peachtree Dunwoody Road, and Perimeter Center West. Traffic signal upgrades will also be included. Construction is estimated to take approximately two years to complete.

TS172: Brandon Mill Road Sidewalk

This project closes the final sidewalk gap on Brandon Mill Road between Brandon Mill Road and Lost Forest Drive. The project will also realign the roadway and add retaining walls. 

PATH400 Multi-Use Trail Extension

The PATH400 Multi-Use Trail will extend the existing 5.1-mile path from Loridans Drive north to the GA 400/I-285 Interchange. The path will be built primarily within the existing Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) right-of-way along GA 400. The extension will also provide connectivity to the proposed multi-use paths on Peachtree Dunwoody Road and Mount Vernon Highway. 


The Morgan Falls Connector is the first installment of the City's Springway Trail Master Plan. It will provide access to the Chattahoochee River from Roswell Road. The 1.88 mile segment connects Morgan Falls Overlook Park to Roswell Road at Cimarron Parkway. The project consists of the construction of an 8’- 12’ wide multi-use, 5-inch concrete and 6-inch pervious concrete trail, retaining walls, drainage structures, pedestrian bridges, top-down boardwalk with concrete decking, roadway realignments, landscaping, and trail signage.

Featured Facility Projects

Abernathy Arts Center

The existing stone arts building at the Abernathy Arts Center needs significant repairs and updates. Due to the unsafe and unstable condition of the building, the City of Sandy Springs is proposing a state-of-the-art replacement facility. This new facility will add art programming spaces to the existing site.

Police Headquarters and Municipal Court

The future Sandy Springs Police Department Headquarters and Municipal Court will be located at 620 Morgan Falls Road, with an estimated completion date in Spring 2025. 

Veterans Park

The park is located on the parcel of land between Roswell Road, Johnson Ferry Road, and Mt. Vernon Highway. It features fountains to mirror the fountains at City Hall, as well as a memorial area dedicated to honoring veterans of each branch of service. 

The Sandy Springs Foundation is excited to offer several commemorative programs for individuals or organizations to make a lasting tribute to the Sandy Springs Veterans Park.

The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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