
Garbage & Recycling

The City of Sandy Springs does not provide trash collection services, enabling residents and businesses to contract with private collection services for garbage and recycling pick up.  Waste Haulers are charged an annual Infrastructure Maintenance Fee, which is five percent of its gross receipts. The City does not charge any administrative or service fees. 

An aluminum can recycling bin is located at Sandy Springs Fire Station #51 located at 1425 Spalding Drive.  The bin is owned by the Georgia Burn Foundation, and the proceeds go to the Foundation.

To apply as a Solid Waste Self Hauler/Contractor, please submit a completed application form to the City of Sandy Springs, Revenue Department, 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328 (770-730-5600). The application form can be found here.

Solid Waste Presentation - September 20, 2022, City Council Meeting

Approved Waste Haulers


Cox Sanitation 

Custom Disposal Services (HOAs Only) 

Diamond Disposal (HOAs Only) 

Seegreen Services

Waste Management


Commercial Disposal (Sales and Service)

Republic Services

Seegreen Services

Waste Pro

Waste Management 

Specialty Services

Arrow Solid Waste (Residential and Commercial Dumpster Rental)

College Hunks Hauling Junk (Residential and Commercial Bulk Waste Removal)

M & M Waste, Inc (Commercial Dumpster Rental)

SA Recycling (Commercial Recycling)

Waste Eliminator (Residential and Commercial Dumpster Rental)

Recycling Facilities

The City partners with Keep North Fulton Beautiful to provide Sandy Springs residents with an array of recycling services. KNFB offers e-waste drop off, glass recycling drop-off, traditional recycling drop-off and other recycling drop-off services. 

Keep North Fulton Beautiful
Recycling Center

470 Morgan Falls Road
Sandy Springs,GA 30350

Operating hours: 
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
All items must be empty and clean

Traditional recycling items accepted:

  • Plastic bottles and containers #1 and #2
  • Aluminum, tin, and steel cans
  • Paper products (Office and Classroom)
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper
  • Cardboard and Chipboard (no milk or juice containers coated in plastics)

Types of glass accepted:
Ensure food and drink waste is removed prior to drop-off
Glassware in good enough condition can be donated to a charity

  •  Jars and glass bottles are accepted (food grade only)
  • KNFB does not accept sheet glass or auto glass
  • KNFB does not accept ceramics, mirrors, vases, or drinkware

Types of electronic waste accepted: 

  • Cell phones
  • Computers & accessories (monitors incur a fee)
  • Inkjet and laser printer cartridges
  • Some other items are accepted and might incur a fee - see KNFB website for more information

Hazardous Household Waste

Hazardous household waste products (HHW) are items containing chemicals that are flammable, reactive, corrosive or toxic. These products can be harmful to you, your family and the environment if not disposed of properly.  They can be in the form of gases, liquids or solids.  Below is a guide to disposing of the most commonly asked about HHW.  

How to properly dispose of:

  • 20 lb. propane tanks (for BBQ grills, campers, etc.):  Drop off at Lowe’s, Home Depot or other propane sales centers.  We recommended that you use as much as possible to empty the tank before disposal.  DO NOT discard old propane tanks in the trash, whether empty or not.
  • Dry chemical fire extinguishers:  Fire extinguisher companies will take your old fire extinguishers; or you can empty them and discard them in the trash.  Empty fire extinguishers outside only – preferably into a trash can or other container.  Stay upwind of the discharge.  The dry chemical used in fire extinguishers is not considered hazardous, but can cause choking (just like dust) if inhaled.  DO NOT discard fire extinguishers in the trash unless the gauge indicates that there is no pressure.
  • Gasoline:  Pour, up to a gallon at a time, into an almost full vehicle gas tank.  Old gasoline, if adequately diluted by fresh gasoline, should not harm your vehicle engine.  DO NOT discard old gasoline into a storm drain or sanitary sewer – this can create an explosion hazard.
  • Motor oil:  Auto parts stores such as Advanced Auto Parts, NAPA Auto Parts, Auto Zone, etc. will take used or old motor oil.
  • Latex paint:  Dry out and discard in trash.  Dry out by mixing equal parts paint and either oil-dry or kitty litter and allow to dry out.
  • Compact fluorescent bulbs:  Compact fluorescent bulbs contain a small amount of mercury.  Home Depot will accept your old compact fluorescent bulbs, or you can save them for disposal at the Keep North Fulton Beautiful recycling  events.
  • Other HHW such as pesticides, solvent based paint products, cleaning chemicals, etc. should be stored in a safe place in their original containers, and disposed of at the bi-annual Keep North Fulton Beautiful events.


The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Graham Nash
City Springs Event

Graham Nash

Sunday, April 6
Legendary artist Graham Nash, as a founding member of both the Hollies and Crosby, Stills and Nash, is a two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee. Graham will be joined on stage by his band, performing favorites from across his sixty-year career!
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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