
Gifts to the City

The City has established programs for the acceptance of gifts.

Gifts in Parks and Open Spaces

The policy provides guidelines, and a process for the acceptance of donations in parks and open spaces.  The program established by this policy shall be administered by the City’s Recreation and Parks Department.

You can read and access the Acceptance of Gift in Parks and Open Spaces and Donor Recognition Policy and Donation Agreement Application.  Send the completed Donation Agreement Application to recreation@sandyspringsga.gov.

Gifts of Public Art

To manage and facilitate the City’s evolving arts program, the City has partnered with Art Sandy Springs which can assist potential donors navigate the protocol for gifting public art. 

The City's policy establishes guidelines to ensure a consistent decision-making process related to the acceptance, placement and long-term maintenance of donations in public spaces.

Guidelines are also provided for sustainable management of site-appropriate amenities, these public art pieces should be designed to integrate into the existing space and enhance the surrounding environment. 

Download Sandy Springs Public Art Policy

Please direct any questions to Brent Walker - Recreation and Parks Director.


Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Due to inclement winter weather, City Hall will open later than usual on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Administrative offices will open at 11 a.m. Emergency services will operate as scheduled. The City Council meeting will proceed as scheduled.
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