
City Of Sandy Springs Restarts Public Hearings Using Hybrid Model For COVID-19

January 4, 2021

Public Hearings for zoning cases will resume in Sandy Springs beginning January 19, 2021. Due to health precautions associated with the coronavirus, the City has suspended in-person meetings, including a temporary deferment of public hearings. Under a specialized virtual model with accommodations, public hearings will resume.  Residents who cannot participate in a public hearing using remote online tools will have the opportunity to join the meeting through a digital connection at city hall.

“We are doing everything possible to safeguard health while fulfilling our responsibility to responsive and accountable government under Georgia’s Open Meetings laws,” said City Manager Andrea Surratt.   

Under the special hybrid model, City Council, Planning Commission, and Board of Appeals meetings will be live-streamed, with the council and commission members attending through remote means. Those wishing to address these boards on zoning matters can do so through one of three (3) options:

  • Video conference via Zoom. All speakers must register to speak by noon on the day of the meeting. Speakers must call in at least 10 minutes before the meeting start. 
  • Written comments. Comments should be submitted by noon on the day of the meeting. These comments can be read into the record or submitted in written form using the Public Comment form linked on the Public Meetings page.
  • In-person comment. An individual can choose to address the commission body in-person in the Studio Theatre at City Springs (1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, Ga. 30328). Individuals will speak from a podium, with comments live-streamed to the commission members, participating in the meeting from remote locations. Only individuals speaking will be admitted into the Studio Theatre during comment periods to minimize the potential for gatherings. Masks will be required, except for the speaker at the podium.  

Agendas and videos/livestreams for City meetings can be found online. Learn more on the Public Meetings page. 

Those who wish to make a public comment can do so via the Public Comment form found online at the link above. Those who want to speak as part of a Public Hearing will receive a follow-up email from the City Clerk with instructions. 

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Sparkle Sandy Springs

Sunday, December 8
Sparkle Sandy Springs is the City's annual holiday celebration with an award-winning night-time parade! City Springs District is transformed into a winter wonderland with larger-than-life inflatables, snow machines, twinkling holiday houses, and more!
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