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Sandy Springs Takes Next Step in Master Plan Update

October 5, 2021

SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. (Oct. 5, 2021) — The City of Sandy Springs has selected Goody Clancy and Associates, Inc. to conduct its master plan update for the City Springs District.

“The selection of Goody Clancy to conduct our master plan update is the next milestone in an exciting process,” said Mayor Rusty Paul. “This will allow us to take a comprehensive look at City Springs and put the district in the best position possible for the future. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Goody Clancy on this initiative.”

On June 30, 2021, the City of Sandy Springs issued a request for proposals to find a consultant firm with the capacity and demonstrated experience to conduct a master plan update for the City Springs District. The original City Center master plan was completed in 2012, and many of the goals to create a unique, vibrant, walkable City Center rich in amenities desired by the community, such as commercial retail, recreational and cultural facilities, still hold true today and many recommendations from that plan have been implemented and are enjoyed by the community.

The City Springs master plan update is meant to build on these goals and accomplishments, and re-engage the community to establish the path forward. Since the 2012 plan, the City Springs District has experienced significant private investment, including approximately 1,700 new residential units and more than 100,000 square feet of retail and amenity space.

 The plan update will provide a comprehensive understanding of accomplishments to date and provide a discussion of the implications of new development. At a minimum, the plan update will include: 

  • District accomplishments to date;
  • Updated market analysis, needs, and projections;
  • Five- and 10-year work programs, to include a prioritized project list and SMART goals;
  • Updated illustrative plans;
  • Parking, transit, rideshare, and bicycle and pedestrian enhancements strategy;
  • Plan for City-owned properties;
  • Economic development element.

 Furthermore, the plan update will include a sustainability and innovation component to address topics such as energy consumption/production, storm water management and green infrastructure, air and noise pollution mitigation, etc. Innovative approaches and projects, like the City’s pilot transit signal priority project partnership with MARTA, should be proposed. The update will touch on rebranding of the district from City Center to City Springs.

The plan update will also incorporate a robust public participation plan, including stakeholder meetings with property owners within the defined district boundaries. The participation plan will include public outreach to diverse audiences and provide a wide array of options to participate. Both virtual and in-person engagement options will be included.

For information about the City of Sandy Springs, please visit www.sandyspringsga.gov, or call the Citizen Response Center at 770-730-5600. Follow breaking news and traffic alerts on Twitter and community news on Facebook.


Media Contact:
Jason Fornicola, Communications Director

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Wednesday, February 5
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