
PlanFirst Community

In October 2020, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs announced that the City of Sandy Springs was designated a 2021 PlanFirst Community.

The PlanFirst designation recognizes the hard work and successful comprehensive plan implementation, and acknowledges the community's commitment to identifying opportunities and setting the goals to move the community forward.  PlanFirst designated communities also are able to take advantage of various incentives, including:

  • Annual CDBG application eligibility for non-entitlement communities meeting certain criteria;
  • Bonus points on applications for DCA programs such as EIP, DDRLF, and Redevelopment fund; and
  • A reduced interest rate on certain Georgia Environmental Financing Authority loans.

Click here for more information on the PlanFirst program. 

Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies
Recreational Program

Sandy Spring Crafting Buddies

Wednesday, February 5
Join the Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies for an evening of social crafting. Bring your current work in progress, or materials to start a new project and come hang with us! Visit the City's website for more information.
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