
Winter Weather

Please continue to check this page for up-to-date information and resources. 

Staying Up to Date

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to receive updates via social media. You can also view this information without a Facebook or Twitter account.

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Weather Alerts

Visit the National Weather Service's Sandy Springs page to view current weather warnings. You can also sign up for Sandy Springs Alerts through Everbridge to have National Weather Service alerts sent to you via telephone, text message or email.

Important Links and Resources

NOTE: The City of Sandy Springs is not a utility provider. If you encounter a problem, please contact your providers directly with an outage. 

Winter Weather Storm Tips

  1. Use electric space heaters with automatic shut-off switches.
  2. Keep heat sources at least three feet away from furniture and drapes.
  3. Insulate your home and ensure doors and windows are sealed.
  4. Check and install a working carbon monoxide detector.
  5. Have backup heat sources like extra blankets, sleeping bags, or a wood-burning fireplace.
  6. Check your antifreeze, brakes, heater, tires, and wipers.
  7. Keep your gas tank at least half full.
  8. Carry an emergency ready kit with items like a portable phone charger, ice scraper, extra blanket, sand for traction, and jumper cables.
  9. Use generators outdoors and at least 20 feet from doors, windows, or vents to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
  10. Allow pipes to drip or insulate them to prevent freezing.
  11. Locate your water shut-off valve in case of a burst pipe. 
  12. Keep pets indoors and check on elderly or disabled relatives and neighbors.
  13. Turn off sprinkler systems. 



The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Graham Nash
City Springs Event

Graham Nash

Sunday, April 6
Legendary artist Graham Nash, as a founding member of both the Hollies and Crosby, Stills and Nash, is a two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee. Graham will be joined on stage by his band, performing favorites from across his sixty-year career!
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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