
Annual Business License Payment, Renewal, and Changes

2025 Business License Renewals are uploaded and available to pay online through Government Window.

Are you a business owner in Sandy Springs or want to start a new business? Businesses located in Sandy Springs are required to obtain a Business Occupational Tax Certificate. Often referred to as a Business License, the Certificate is valid for a calendar year and must be renewed annually.

Note: Business licenses expire on December 31 of each calendar year. As a courtesy the City extends/offers a 90-day grace period making the deadline for renewal March 31. Failure to renew prior to March 31 will result in a one-time 10% penalty, and the late interest rate of 1.5% per month.

Renewing Online

You can renew your business license and pay your business occupational tax online using a convenient interactive tax calculation system. There is a 5% surcharge for online credit and debit card payments. There is a flat $5.00 fee for eCheck payments, however there is a $8,000/transaction limit on eCheck payments.

Note: After you pay online, we also ask that you please return these 2 Business License Affidavit forms to our office via email: revenue@sandyspringsga.gov 
or you can come to our office. We provide free notary service to notarize these affidavit forms for business licenses. Schedule an appointment during office hours.

Renewing at our Office

The City accepts checks and money orders through the mail and in person at the Revenue Desk located at City Hall, however, in person payments involving a major credit or debit card also incur a 5% surcharge.

Be sure to check the Permits and Revenue Office page for hours of operation, current appointment policies and any other important information about your visit.

In person renewal documents:

Contacting our Staff

Our staff would be happy to assist you. Before contacting us, please read the following frequently asked questions. If you still need assistance, you will find our telephone number and email address once you are done reading.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding License Renewal


The City of Sandy Springs has approved a contract with an auditing firm to ensure the City is receiving business license fees, franchise fees and waste hauler fees. Avendu Insights is the authorized third party contractor of the City of Sandy Springs to conduct this audit. They can be contacted at 1-800-927-5125.

Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Due to inclement winter weather, City Hall will open later than usual on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Administrative offices will open at 11 a.m. Emergency services will operate as scheduled. The City Council meeting will proceed as scheduled.
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