
Boards and Commissions

Boards and Commissions in Sandy Springs are comprised of citizen volunteers.

You can find information including meeting dates and agendas on the Public Meetings  page. 

Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals is a quasi-legal board charged with hearing requests for variances from regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The board bases decisions on the merits of applications with strict adherence to specific factors.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is an advisory board which reports its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. The board is involved in hearings involving rezonings, use permits, concurrent variances, and changes to zoning maps and ordinances.

Board of Ethics

The Board of Ethics determines whether a violation of the City’s Ethics Ordinance has occurred and, if so, assess and imposes the appropriate penalty.


Diversity and Inclusion Task Force

The Task Force assists the City Council in its efforts to promote inclusivity in Sandy Springs.

Development Authority

The City of Sandy Springs Development Authority is a nonprofit public body created in 2007 to promote trade, commerce, industry and employment opportunities in the City of Sandy Springs.

Public Facilities Authority

In 2006 the Georgia General Assembly created the City of Sandy Springs Public Facilities Authority (“Authority”).  The purpose of this Authority is to create a governmental entity by which a municipality can, through contractual relationships, lease space for terms over one year, by using the Authority to serve as a financing and ownership partner for major city developments, such as “City Springs”.

Charter Commission

The Charter Commission is appointed to review and make recommendations to the Georgia General Assembly regarding the City's Charter.  City Code instructs the City Council to call for a Charter Commission at the first regularly scheduled City Council meeting after its anniversary date of December 1. The Commission appointed after the City's fifth anniversary and again ten years later, in 2020, at the City's 15th anniversary. Individual appointments are made by Mayor and City Council, as well as the members of the Georgia House of Representatives and Senate whose district lies wholly or partially within the corporate boundaries of Sandy Springs. 

Volunteering for a Board, Commission or Committee Role

If you would like to apply for membership on a Sandy Springs board, commission or committee, please let us know using the volunteer form:

Volunteering for a Board, Commission or Committee Role Form

Associated Documents

The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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