
City Clerk’s Office

The City Clerk is the official record keeper for the City. This office is responsible for recording and maintaining the Council’s official actions in minutes, coordinating and distributing the agenda, maintaining contracts, ordinances, resolutions and agreements, and coordinating the records management and retention program for the City.

Agenda packets for Council Meetings and Public Hearings are distributed and prepared by the City Clerk’s office, and the office oversees processing of all Open Records Requests.

The City Clerk also serves as Election Superintendent for all City elections.

The City Clerk’s office maintains the following City Records:

  • Ordinances – An Ordinance is a law, statute or regulation enacted by a Municipal body.
  • Resolutions – A Resolution is a formal form of a motion utilized to set forth policy of the City.
  • Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes – City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted. Meetings are held at Sandy Springs Studio Theatre located at 1 Galambos Way  Sandy Springs, GA 30328. Work Session meetings, as needed, begin at 6:00 p.m.   Regular City Council meetings follow the Work Session. Public Comment Card
  • Board of Ethics Meeting Agendas and Minutes – The Board of Ethics determines whether a violation of the City’s Ethics Ordinance has occurred and, if so, assess and imposes the appropriate penalty.
  • Planning Commission Meeting Agendas and Minutes – The Planning Commission is an advisory board which reports its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. The board is involved in hearings involving rezonings, use permits, concurrent variances, and changes to zoning maps and ordinances.
  • Board of Appeals Meeting Agendas and Minutes – The Board of Appeals (formerly known as Board of Zoning Appeals) is a quasi-legal board charged with hearing requests for variances from regulations of the Zoning Ordinance.

City Records and Open Records Requests

Under the Georgia Open Records Act, all public records are available for inspection and copying unless they are specifically exempted from disclosure under the law.

Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies
Recreational Program

Sandy Spring Crafting Buddies

Wednesday, February 5
Join the Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies for an evening of social crafting. Bring your current work in progress, or materials to start a new project and come hang with us! Visit the City's website for more information.
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