
Impact Fees

The Mayor and City Council found that in order to promote and accommodate orderly growth and development and to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens, an equitable program for planning and financing public facilities was needed. According to the adopted Impact Fee Ordinance (in effect since March 1, 2008), any new building permit within the city limits of Sandy Springs is subject to the provisions of the Ordinance.

Impact fees are charged to support transportation improvements, recreation and parks, and public safety. The fees will be charged at the time of issuance of any building permit. The petitioner may request an estimated impact fee for the project prior to obtaining a building permit.

The Impact Fee Ordinance provides details on service area, payment of fees, and use of impact fee funds, refunds, credits, exemptions, administrative appeals, appeals to courts, other provisions and details of impact fee calculations.  The City Council approved an Amended Code and revised the Impact Fee Schedule during the Oct. 18, 2016 meeting of the City Council. 

Recreation and Parks
For residential development there is per unit dwelling fee to support the construction of new parks.

Mixed Use

If a building permit is requested for a mixed-use development, then the corresponding parks and recreation development impact fee shall be determined by using the above schedule as applied to the residential uses within such development.

Change of Use, Redevelopment, Expansion or Modification

If there is a change of use, redevelopment, expansion or modification of an existing use that requires the issuance of a building permit, then the development impact fee shall be based upon the difference in number of residential units between the new use and the previous use.

Public Safety
The applicant for a building permit may elect to have the public safety facility development impact fee determined pursuant to the fee schedule or by individual assessment as provided in the ordinance.

Mixed Use

If a building permit is requested for a mixed use development, then the corresponding public safety facility development impact fee will be determined according to the fee schedule by apportioning the space committed to the individual uses specified on the schedule. If the type of development activity for which a building permit is applied is not specified on the fee schedule, the Administrator will use the fee applicable to the most nearly comparable type of land use on the fee schedule.

Change of Use, Redevelopment, Expansion or Modification

In the case of change of use, redevelopment, expansion or modification of an existing use which requires the issuance of a building permit, then the development impact fee will be based upon the difference in square footage or number of units between the new use and the previous use. Should a redevelopment or modification of an existing use or building that requires the issuance of a building permit but does not involve a change in use result in a net increase in gross floor area, the development impact fee will be based on the net increase. Should a change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use or building result in a net decrease in gross floor area or calculated development impact fee, no refund or credit for past development impact fees paid will be made or created.

Transportation Development
The applicant for a building permit may elect to have the transportation development impact fee determined pursuant to the fee schedule or by individual assessment as provided in the ordinance.

Mixed Use

If a building permit is requested for a mixed use development, then the corresponding transportation development impact fee will be determined according to the fee schedule by apportioning the space committed to the individual uses specified on the schedule. If the type of development activity for which a building permit is applied is not specified on the above fee schedule, the Administrator will use the fee applicable to the most nearly comparable type of land use on the fee schedule.

Change of Use, Redevelopment, Expansion or Modification

In the case of change of use, redevelopment, expansion or modification of an existing use which requires the issuance of a building permit, then the development impact fee will be based upon the difference in square footage or number of units between the new use and the previous use.  Should a redevelopment or modification of an existing use or building that requires the issuance of a building permit but does not involve a change in use result in a net increase in gross floor area, the development impact fee will be based on the net increase.  Should a change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use or building result in a net decrease in gross floor area or calculated development impact fee, no refund or credit for past development impact fees paid will  be made or created.

The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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