
Pickleball Open Play Rules


Pickleball Open Play Rules Explained (Updated 12/13/24):

Which court should I play on? - Advanced and Beginner Courts:

  • Courts 1 – 4: For Advanced Players.
  • Courts 5 & 6: For Beginner Players.
  • When paddle racks for either Advanced or Beginner Courts are empty, designating that no one is in line/waiting to play, those open courts may be used by anyone freely until someone gets in line.

How do I get in line? - Paddle Racks:

  • Players waiting to play on the next open court should place their paddle in the next open spot on a paddle rack to designate their place in line.
    • Only 1 paddle per player in a rack at a time.

How do we rotate? – Open Play Rotation:

  • ALL PLAYERS (winners and losers) come off the court at the completion of each game.
  • To get back in line, players place their paddle in the next open spot on a paddle rack.
  • Next Players Up: When a game on a court ends, all players vacate and the court becomes available to the next set of either 2 players (singles play) or 4 players (doubles play) in the designated rack.
  • Beginner Court Paddle Rack:
    • There is 1 paddle rack for Beginner Courts.
    • Winners and losers place their paddles in the same rack.
    • 2 players wanting to play together as a doubles team in the next game should place their paddles next to each other.
  • Advanced Court Paddle Racks:
    • There are 2 paddle racks for Advanced Courts (Winners’ Rack and Losers’ Rack):
      • Winners' Rack: For the players who just won a game.
      • Losers’ Rack: For the players who just lost a game.
        • On a given day, players entering the rotation should begin by placing their paddles in next open spots on the Losers’ rack.
      • 2 players wanting to play together as a doubles team in the next game should place their paddles next to each other.
  • Rotation Marker: A rotation marker alternates between the Winner’s and Loser’s Racks indicating which set of 4 players (or 2 players if playing singles rather than doubles) are up next on the next open court.
    • The rotation marker should be moved to the alternate rack after the start of each new game.

Court Etiquette:
o    Follow the open play rotation rules so everyone gets to have fun.
o    Be respectful to other players.
o    Pickleball is a game and should be fun! Don’t take it so seriously.
o    Treat all equipment, including paddle racks and nets, with care. Report any damages to the Recreation Department.
o    Limit warm up time to keep games moving.
o    No arguing or altercations are permitted. There is no trophy to be won here.

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Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

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