Park Rendering

Sandy Springs Veterans Park

6205 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30328


Veteran Commemoration Opportunities

Opportunities to commemorate veterans in Sandy Springs Veterans Park are now available for reservation via the Sandy Springs Foundation.

Sandy Springs Foundation Website

Veterans Park is a symbol of honor and gratitude to those in our community who have served our country. The park is located on the parcel of land between Roswell Road, Johnson Ferry Road, and Mt. Vernon Highway. The provides a special place for residents to reflect on, and commemorate our community's veterans. The park features fountains, mirroring the fountains at City Hall, as well as a memorial area dedicated to honoring our local veterans. Sidewalks will connect the park to City Springs, creating a seamless pathway between the two locations.


Presentation to City Council on 3/7/23

Project Updates

Project Completed October 31, 2023

Grand Opening on November 10th, 2023

Veterans Park

Veterans Park Art

Project History

March 7, 2023

Agenda Item: Request for Mayor and City Council Consideration to Approve Final Design for Construction of the Veterans Park Project; to Approve a Guaranteed Maximum Price of up to $5,739,764.00; and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Contract by Change Order

December 20, 2022

During the City Council Meeting, Council awarded a contract to Reeves Young to provide construction manager at risk services for final construction of Veterans Park

Agenda item: Request for Mayor and City Council to Authorize a Contract Award to Reeves Young for Final Construction of Veterans Park, and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Contract

September 6, 2022

During the City Council Work Session, staff presented a Project overview to Council. The topics of the presentation were the fountain and memorial area, a possible pedestrian bridge over Roswell Road, and an update on the art selection process. Staff presented three fountain options to Council. The first option was the original design at $1,333,344, the second option was a smaller fountain at $644,724, and the third option was the removal of the fountain and replacing it with a large planter bed at $280,000.

Agenda Item: Veterans Memorial Park Overview and Water Fountain Concepts

April 19, 2022

During the City Council Meeting, Staff and Barge presented to Council a draft budget, overview of the Project layout, and pedestrian bridge concepts. During this presentation, staff showed two (2) options for the fountains. The first option was the original design with an estimated cost of $1,300,000. The second option did not include a fountain but instead included a large planter bed at approximately $300,000.

Council awarded a contract for Phase II of the Project to Garrett Consulting, Inc.

Agenda Item: Request for Mayor and City Council Consideration to Approve a Contract Award to Garrett Consulting, Inc. to Perform Phase II of the Veteran’s Park Project; Authorizing the City Manager and the City Attorney to Negotiate a Contract for Phase II; and to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract

March 1, 2022

During the March 1, 2022 Council Work Session, Councilmember John Paulson presented examples of the types of monuments for Veterans Park.

Agenda Item: Discussion of Art Concepts for Veterans Park

May 18, 2021

Agenda Item: Request for Mayor and City Council Consideration of an Ordinance to Authorize Amending the City of Sandy Springs FY2021 Budget to Authorize Funding for a New Project and a Resolution to Authorize Negotiation of a Contract for Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration Services with Barge Design Solutions, Inc. for a Veterans Memorial Park; to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Same; and for Other Purposes

March 16, 2021

During the March 16, 2021 Council Work Session, Staff and Barge presented to Council the refined conceptual drawings along with the individual components of the Project, including the fountain and memorial area. The consensus of Council was for Staff to proceed with the construction drawings into the next phase.

Agenda Item: Veterans Park Design Update

June 15, 2021

During the June 15, 2021 Council Meeting, City Council awarded a contract to Tri Scapes, Inc to provide demolition, asphalt paving and landscaping services to prepare the selected site for the eventual construction of the Veterans Park and amended to FY 2021 Budget to authorize additional funding for the Project.

Agenda Item: Request for Mayor and City Council to Approve an Ordinance Amending the FY2021 Budget and a Resolution to Authorize Contract Award to Tri Scapes, Inc. to Perform the Veteran’s Park Interim Improvements Project (“Project”); to Authorize the City Manager and the City Attorney to Negotiate a Contract for the Project; to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract; and for Other Purposes

December 2020

Based on the preliminary concept plan presented by Barge and feedback from City staff and Mayor and Council, three (3) more specific plans were created by Barge. A change order in the amount of $29,987.00 was issued in December 2020 for the additional design plans.

In 2019, by consensus, City Council authorized City Management to move forward with a plan to develop the Project on the triangle property across Roswell Road from the City Springs campus. To advance that direction, the City issued a purchase order in the amount of $22,524.00 to Barge Design Solutions, Inc. (“Barge”) to begin a preliminary concept plan.


Rendering of memorial area at Veterans Park
Overhead rendering veterans memorial park
            The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
            City Event

            Lantern Parade - Workshops

            Saturday, March 29
            Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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            Lantern Parade

            Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

            The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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