
Planning and Zoning Resources

Impact Fees

Impact fees are charged for transportation improvements, recreation and parks, and public safety. The fees will be charged at the time of issuance of any building permit. The petitioner may request an estimated impact fee for the project prior to obtaining a building permit.

Community Development Block Grant

Through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City of Sandy Springs uses its annual allocation of federal funds to support initiatives that are eligible for Community Development Block Grant Program assistance.

Address and Street Name Changes

Streets and/or house numbers can be changed when there is the potential threat to public health, safety or welfare.

Development Maps and GIS

View zoning and use maps and the City's Geographic Information System.

Development Regulations

The City regulates the use and development of land through a codified set of ordinances known as the Development Code and Technical Manual. These ordinances help the City regulate permitted uses, stormwater management, tree conservation, stream buffers, public facilities including roads, and more.

Dimensional Standards Table

Each zoning district contains a set restrictions for lots: minimum lot sizes, minimum lot widths, maximum densities, minimum/maximum front, rear, and side yards, maximum heights, and more. The dimensional table is an easy-to-read resource for many of the zoning district dimensions.

Permitted Uses Table

Some uses are allowed by-right in certain zoning districts, allowed only with an approved use permit in other districts, and expressly prohibited in others. This table shows uses allowed and prohibited for each zoning district in the City of Sandy Springs.

Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies
Recreational Program

Sandy Spring Crafting Buddies

Wednesday, February 5
Join the Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies for an evening of social crafting. Bring your current work in progress, or materials to start a new project and come hang with us! Visit the City's website for more information.
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