
Planning Boards, Commissions & Community Meetings

The purpose of the City’s planning and zoning boards/commissions is to insure that development proposals are consistent with adopted zoning, development, and building regulations and with the City’s comprehensive plan. 

Community Meetings

Before a Rezoning, Zoning Modification or Use Permit petition is filed, developers are required to hold a community meeting—typically in the vicinity of the project. After a petition is filed, there will be a second community meeting held at City Hall. For information on community meetings, view the petition information on the Petitions Under Consideration page. List of the current month's Zoning Cases and their meetings.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is an advisory board which reports its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. The board is concerned with hearings involving rezonings, use permits, concurrent variances, and changes to zoning maps and ordinances.

Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals is a quasi-legal board charged with hearing requests for variances from regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The board bases decisions on the merits of applications with strict adherence to specific factors.

Mayor and City Council

A final ruling on the petition will be made by the Mayor and City Council during regularly scheduled Mayor and City Council Meetings.

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Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies
Recreational Program

Sandy Spring Crafting Buddies

Wednesday, February 5
Join the Sandy Springs Crafting Buddies for an evening of social crafting. Bring your current work in progress, or materials to start a new project and come hang with us! Visit the City's website for more information.
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