
Renting Racquet Courts and Sport Fields

In addition to the Sandy Springs Racquet Center, tennis and pickleball courts are available for rent at additional parks throughout the City. Feel like kicking around a soccer ball? Sports fields are also available for rent. For more information about sports rentals, visit our registration site.

Free, Public Access Courts
The outdoor tennis/pickleball and basketball courts at Hammond Park and Ridgeview Park are open to the public on a first-come first-served basis and have no associated usage charge. Tennis/Pickleball courts may be reserved for free play in up to two hours (2) time periods at no charge. You can book through the Recreation and Parks Department online reservation website. Please note: No team play/ matches, drills, or private lessons are allowed.

Pickleball Open Play Rules

Ridgeview Tennis and Pickleball Holiday Hours 

Access to Ridgeview Charter Middle School Courts follows the Fulton Holiday Calendar.

The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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