
Special Event Permits

Special Event Permits

The City of Sandy Springs welcomes and encourages Special Events, which build a sense of community and create an environment that fosters civic pride. A Special Event is any activity that occurs upon public or private property that affects the ordinary use of public streets, right-of-way, or sidewalks. 

Special Events include but are not limited to activities such as:

  • Arts Festivals
  • Bicycle Races
  • Certain Outdoor Business Promotional Events
  • Concerts
  • Fairs
  • Grand Opening Celebrations
  • Holiday Celebrations
  • Marches
  • Parades
  • Processions and Motorcades
  • Runs and Walks (see Approved Race Routes below)
  • Tours
  • Film

Individuals or groups wishing to hold events on public property, or on private property but with an impact on public property such as roads, use of alcohol, or city staff member within the City limits, excluding City parks or City owned property, must submit an application no less than 60 days prior to proposed event but no more than one year in advance. Applications missing information run the risk of delay in review, which could impact approval of an event or securing of the date. 

If you wish to rent a City Park, please contact recreation@sandyspringsga.gov. To inquire about renting a City Facility, such as locations at City Springs, please fill out this form

In Sandy Springs, Special Events are classified using a tier system. In general, Tier I Special Events have a minimal impact on the community. Tier II events include any event proposed to include road closures, alcohol, fireworks, amplified music, or more than 500 attendees. If an event meets a minimum of one of the categories described, a Special Event Permit application must be submitted. 

Tier I: 

  • Any event that would affect a small area in a parking lot or park.
  • Event in public spaces requires no street closures, offsite parking, or alcohol sales. 
  • Events on private property but require the use of City staff, no street closures or alcohol.
  • An event with less than 500 attendees. 

Tier II: 

  • An event that expects more than 500 attendees.
  • Events involving street closures or offsite parking.
  • Events requiring public safety staff support.
  • Events with amplified music.
  • Any time alcohol will be served. 
  • Events with fireworks. 

Applying for a Special Event Permit

To apply for a Special Event Permit or a Public Assembly Permit, please apply on OpenGov. Please contact specialevents@sandyspringsga.gov, if you have any questions. 

You can also Schedule an Appointment via QLess to meet with the "Planner of the Day" at City Hall for further assistance with your application. When scheduling a meeting, please schedule with the "Planner of the Day" and select "Special Events Permits." 

Supporting Documentation: Please submit all supporting documentation with the permit or by emailing specialevents@sandyspringsga.gov.

  • Certificate of Insurance.
  • Site plans, including locations for First Aid, Trash/Recycling collection, restrooms, crowd control, tents, and banner/signs. 
  • Signed agreements or confirmation of approval to use someone else property.
  • Parking plan.
  • Communication plan for any road closures.
  • Security and First aid plan.
  • $50 Alcohol fee (if applicable).
  • Traffic Plan (if requesting a road closure).
  • Race Route (if applicable).
  • Temporary sign permit (if applicable).
  • Tent permit application (if applicable).
  • Approved food permit information (if applicable).

City Resources and Support:

Policies and Resources:

Approved Race Routes

If you are planning a special event (especially runs, walks, festivals), please be aware of ongoing road construction in that area.  This work could impact previously used roadways. Please check in advance to make sure your location is available for use.  

There are six pre-determined routes for 5K and 10K road races. Note that some variations of the approved routes are available, but must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the City in advance. The applicant is still responsible for including the required information related to these routes as outlined in the application kit.

1. Downtown Route (Sandy Springs Circle, Lake Forrest Drive - 2.95 km)
2. Perimeter North Route  (Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Concourse Parkway - 1.85 km)
3. Central 400 Route  (Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Glenridge Drive - 4.95 km)
4. Crestline Parkway Route  (Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Barfield Road - 4.00 km)
5. Alternate Central 400 Route  (Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Barfield Road, Mt. Vernon Hwy - 3.92 km)
6. Sandy Springs North Route  (Roswell Road, Pride Place - 5.4 km)

Contact Information

Sarah Weigle
Direct Line: (678)260-5003
Call Center: (770)730-5600
The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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